Friday, February 15, 2013


Wow, this week has FLOWN by for me. Here’s some random thoughts from things that happened this week and things I’m looking forward to.......
·         When I get off work today, I’m going to visit my sister and her kids for the first time since they brought my niece home from the hospital.  Pretty pumped about it, not gonna lie. Those kids are too cute.
·         We got our tax return back (we did our taxes SUPER early this year – always easier to do it early when the IRS owes YOU money rather than the other way around) and we paid off Ryan’s truck!  I’m so thankful that we have one less payment to make each month and we’re continuing to pay down our other debts.  I felt like the bank should shoot off some fireworks or something!
·         We celebrated our 10th (wow, can’t believe it) Valentine’s day together yesterday.  Our first Valentine’s date, Ryan surprised me by taking me out to dinner – in Charleston… just picked me up from my dorm “for dinner” and hit the road to go out of town.  What a fun memory.  This year, we had a lunch date and then I made this yummy Valentine’s dessert to go with our dinner at home.  If you've got apples,butter,flour,and sugar on hand... I suggest you make this ASAP.
·         The girls from our supper club and a whole bunch of friends are starting a book club.  We had our first meeting this week and named the club Nooks&Grannies.   I don’t own a Nook or a Kindle (I’m much more a fan of the actual real-life book), but I think the name is just perfect.  Our first book is Serena by Ron Rash -- I scored a used copy on Amazon.comfor $0.92 + shipping.  Cannot wait for it to arrive so I can get to reading!
·         My fabric arrived for our new window treatments so I’m ready to go paint shopping and get started re-decorating our den/dining room/kitchen!   I’ve been scouring the internet and have some pretty fun ideas in store.  Hopefully I’ll remember to take lots of pictures along the way and keep you updated! 

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