Saturday, January 15, 2011

Menu Planning - Week 3

They say it takes 21 days to make a new habit permanent, so this 3rd week should be the charm, right?

1.15.11 - NY Strip Steaks & Baked Potatoes
1.17.11 - Date Night Out to Thirsty Fellow
1.18.11 - Breakfast for Dinner...bacon,eggs,grits,the works 
1.19.11 - Cream Cheese Chicken in the Crockpot (I'm loving this slow-cooking site!)
1.20.11 - California Turkey Burgers --- for real, going to make them this time!
1.21.11 - Sunday School Chili Cookoff

We are definitely already seeing the benefits of planning our menus a week at a time.  We have saved extra money each week so far, too!


  1. wooohooo! You are doing so good!

  2. You need to try this recipe ASAP! It will rock your face off :)
